If your item hasn't arrived or isn't as described, you can login your account in shopmadeinchina.com and open a dispute to work out solution with seller.
1) Click your active order and click button "Open Dispute"
2) Choose a "dispute reason"
Please note once a dispute is open, the status of the order becomes Dispute opened.
3) Communicating with the seller. You can click Continue Response to discuss with seller about the dispute.
If the seller works out a solution, you can click I agree or Don't agree to accept or refuse their decision.
4) When you and the seller reach an amicable resolution, shopmadeinchina.com dispute specialists will help you to close the dispute. If no agreement has been reached, you can escalated your dispute 3 days after your initial Dispute Request and shopmadeinchina.com dispute specialists will contact with both sides of the dispute until your case is resolved in 15-30days.
Note: If you have not closed the dispute within 60 days, it will be automatically closed. When a dispute is automatically closed, you are not eligible to submit a dispute to shopmadeinchina.com, and your payment will be released to the seller.